ReCreate Takes up Residency at The Pumphouse as part of the Arts & Community Engagement Programme

Dublin Port Company are delighted to announce ReCreate will be taking up residency at the Pumphouse as part of the Arts and Community Engagement Programme.
2023 marks ReCreate’s 10th Anniversary and as part of these 10th year celebrations ReCreate proudly takes up residence in Dublin Port’s new cultural space the Pumphouse, as part of Dublin Port’s Art and Community Engagement Programme 2023.
This is ReCreate’s first residency and two-month long presence outside of the Headquarters in Ballymount. We are excited to creatively engage local communities in our reuse practices and to also link local suppliers to the communities.
ReCreates ambition is to be of service in the support and development of Dublin Port and City’s circular economy. Please join us during our two month residency to pick up materials, to engage in our projects, to ask us questions and collaborate.
ReCreates Residency is supporting the development of the Circular Economy in Dublin Port by connecting local suppliers to communities and artists; by housing materials in our pop-up shop and by engaging local communities in site-specific creative reuse practices
Help us with the Archive
You can help us to preserve Dublin Port’s rich archival heritage by
donating items or seek advice from us on items in your safekeeping.
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