Bullock Harbour Bicentenary Lectures

Bullock Harbour Preservation Association and Dublin Port Company are organising a series of talks in Dalkey Castle & Heritage Centre. Admission is free, all are welcome and there is no need to book places. The next three lectures in the series are:

Tuesday 12 February 8pm
Bullock Harbour into the Future – Monitoring and Repairs
Eamon McElroy, Port Engineer, Dublin Port Company

Tuesday 12 March 8pm
The Port across the Bay – evolution from the early 19th century to 2040 *
Eamonn O’Reilly, Chief Executive Officer, Dublin Port Company *
(* Please note the change of speaker and topic for this talk)

Tuesday 9 April   8pm   

Dublin Bay UNESCO Biosphere – Marine Life and Culture
A panel discussion on the environment of the bay, present and future, covering biodiversity and the conservation of the marine and bird life. 

Speakers include:
    Ann Murray, DLRCC Biodiversity Officer and Dublin Bay Biosphere Partnership
    Richard Nairn, Birdwatch Ireland and Director, Dublin Port Tern Project
    Professor John Brannigan, UCD,  on Cultural Value of Coastal Environments


Email: savebulloch@gmail.com       

Website:  https://bullochharbour.org

Organised by Dublin Port Company and
Bullock Harbour Preservation Association
Supported by Dalkey Community Council,
Dalkey Tidy Towns and
Dalkey Castle & Heritage Centre


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